Episode 26: Ungrading in Practice: No Going Back with Dr. Sue Steiner

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  • UNGRADING! You might already implement some form of UNGRADING but it is more likely that you don’t.  Perhaps you heard of UNGRADING and dismissed it, or thought about it but decided it wasn’t the right time, or decided it wasn’t right for you or your students, or thought the whole idea was insane, or perhaps you don’t know anything about UNGRADING at all.  Perhaps this is the first time you have even heard that term.

    Whatever your prior knowledge is or isn’t about UNGRADING, please listen Dr. Sue Steiner of Chico State talk about her motivations to implement and her experiences with UNGRADING.  This conversation may convince you that now is time to take the UNGRADING plunge.


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Episode 27: Peer Mentoring’s Long Term Impact: Time for National Implementation? with Dr. Nilanjana Dasgupta


Episode 25: Learning vs. Feelings of Learning: Paradox Tested with Louis Deslauriers